During this extreme cold, we prioritize fuel and no heat service calls. Thank you for your patience! Stay Warm.
Service plans: A worthwhile investment?

Service Plans: A Worthwhile Investment?

August 23, 2021

A new boiler or furnace is an investment that you can keep for years, or perhaps even decades – if you maintain it properly. Properly in this case means professionally, every year, by a licensed heating …

Diesel Fuel Delivery to Your Job Site

August 16, 2021

Having a reliable supply of diesel fuel can make or break your Hudson Valley business – which is why it’s so important to choose a diesel supplier that can get fuel to you when and where …

paperless billing

Going paperless, Autopay, and Online Bill Pay

August 9, 2021

No Clutter, No Stamp, No Worries! Since we’ve been home more lately, thanks to the COVID-19 outbreak, many of us have turned our attention to our homes and coming up with ways to make our day-to-day …

Why Think About Your Heating Oil Tank This Summer?

July 30, 2021

Summer is in full swing here in New York – which means your oil-fired heating system is taking a well-earned rest for the season. But before you put your heating equipment completely out of your …

Well Pumps: A Guide to Making the Right Choice

If you rely on a well for your water, it’s critical to use the right well pump to keep water flowing throughout your home during peak usage hours – and to maintain that pump so …

Market Price, Prebuy and Price Cap: Which to Choose

July 7, 2021

Downey Energy offers several ways to buy propane gas or heating oil– but deciding which option to choose can be confusing, because each has its good points. As with any significant buying decision, it pays …

Propane: Great for Commercial Use, Too

June 21, 2021

Propane gas is one of the smartest and versatile ways to power a home – but don’t sell it short for commercial use, either. Because propane burns hot and clean, commercial propane appliances and heating systems can …

Propane Vs. Electricitiy: Why Switch?

June 14, 2021

Like electricity, propane gas is versatile enough to power almost any appliance in your Hudson Valley home. The difference is that propane will almost always do a better job of it. A propane water heater, for example, …

Summer Propane Safety: Hot Tips

June 7, 2021

You may not have to heat your home with propane during the summer, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t using propane for other appliances like your built-in grill, water heater, pool or spa heater, …

Storage Vs. Tankless Water Heaters

May 17, 2021

When people think of a water heater, they usually think of a bulky metal cylinder that takes up a sizeable portion of their basement. But imagine if that water heater was the size of a …