You have a busy life. Managing your fuel costs should not be hard.
That’s why Downey Energy has a range of pricing and payment options—so that you can choose what works when it comes to making your life easier.
Here’s what we offer.
Controlling how much you pay for fuel is a great way to stay on top of your fuel costs. With our Pre-buy Plan, you purchase your supply of fuel ahead of heating season at our lowest preseason price for every gallon you buy. No matter what happens in the markets, you have peace of mind, because you’ve already bought your fuel! Learn More
Make planning your spending easier with our Budget Plan! Instead of higher bills in the winter, when you’re using more propane or heating oil, your costs are spread out evenly over 10 or 12 monthly payments. You get to choose which one works for you! Learn More
Want the best of both worlds? With our Budget Cap Plan, you get the price protections of our Price Cap Plan and the convenient 10 monthly payments that come with the Budget Plan!
Save some hassle and some trees with paperless billing. Your bill comes to you via email, so you always know where it is. That makes it easier for you to pay your bill online. Enroll today
Never worry about forgetting to pay your bill again! Your monthly payment is automatically deducted from your checking account or charged to your credit card. You’re on time, every time. Enroll today
Contact us to find out more about our pricing and payment options!